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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Dehorning Final, Antibiotics include Injectable, Goat Dehorning includes Reasons (mouse over), Pen-Strep Dose Rate : 20,000 IU/kg note that Contraindications: known cases of hypersensitivity to penicillins transient pyrexia, vomiting, shivering, listlessnes, incoordination, vulval discharge and abortion in pigs, Nerve Block to the Horn include Technique for Administration of Lidocaine, Mechanical Methods of Dehorning decide instrument to use by Age, Advantages and Disadvantages Disadvantages include These, Xylazine Dosage: 0.05mg/kg note that Contraindications/side effects:/ Considerations: Do not use on goats with urethral obstruction Reduces Ruminal activity and cardiac sphincter tone Reduced swallowing and laryngeal activity Pulmonary Oedema (esp in sheep), Dehorning Spoons And Tubes includes Procedure, gigli wire includes Considerations (mouse over), Post- operative for the Vet (mouse over), Considerations Post-Operative Ensure that the jaws of the Dehorner is CLEANED and DISINFECTED between calves, Goat Dehorning includes Contraindications (mouse over), Scoop/Gouge/Barnes-Type Dehorner includes Considerations, Considerations Intra-Operative Heat can transfer through the thin bones of the skull and damage the calf's brain. (mouse over), Physical Use Halter, Advantages and Disadvantages Disadvantages painful, complications includes Infection/Sinusitis (mouse over), Normal Parameters Range Temperature 100.5-102.5 °F, Considerations Post-Operative Risk of infection because of open wounds, Goat Dehorning includes Instruments